Friday, August 28, 2009

Yesterday (27/8) one of my classmate,"dai ka jie"'s birthday..
Wooo....wat a big & special day...hahax...

After my chemistry tuition at PISA,
stright rushed to Seoul Garden at Gurney Plaza
for her birthday celebration...
(reached there bout 8pm due to the serious traffic jam..)

BBQ steamboat at Seoul Garden

Me & birthday girl....^^

posting *

After we took enough photos after eating,
we has proceeded to BED at Mellisa Row....

and went bac around 12sumthing and
ended the day....^^

(to be continued....)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cousin's Birthday dinner....

Today went out with my family,my relative to celebrate my godsister
birthday who has back from Singapore for work...

We had our dinner at "Xiang Wei" which located around Padang Tembak..

*skip the photos of the food on tat's too much...^^

After we had our dinner,
we called for the "dessert" prepared by my elder cousin..
it's actually a homemade "cake" and to gv a suprise to the birthday girl...

It's really nice & delicious...!

introduce about this:
although it looks like a cake,but it's actually a cake shaped ice-cream..
made from Baskin Robbin's ice-cream..and Chips More as the edge...
and topping wif various type of fruits..
All the ingredients cost >RM100 !

After tat we jz had a photo session...^^

Me and the birthday girl..

My family...^^

(to be continued.....)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Farewell for Siew Juan...

Yesterday night went to Segafrado at UPR
with Siew Juan and gangs for her farewell as she
is leaving for US for her studies soon...

from left : Me,Siew Juan,Neo,Richard

After that some of them feeling bored &
suggested to change place...
Then we jz moved forward to Soi 11..

Anyway,I'm actually not an "alcoholphile"...
but somehow nvm la...maybe tat will be the last
outing wif her...jz enjoy lerrr.....^^

the backdrop is soo nice...
but we dinn't go in ar...hahax....

Me,Sj & Tzin Yung..

Last shot for everyone before leaving...

Reached home around 2sumthing...=.=

Goodbye & all the Best to SJ !

Wednesday, August 5, 2009




有时还会在这年通宵呢 !有说有笑
现在只剩我一个人来这 =(


My buddies in Police Cadet...^^

Me & my belove teacher-Mr.Lye


With our juniors....

Our memories in KLCC...with identical t-shirt..

During our celebration dinner...
*posted like gay,but we are NOT ! hahax...


都不是唇齿留“湘”而已,而是永刻于心 !

这些回忆只能在我愁闷时,带给我一丝微笑 ~(^_^)~


毕业后应该有着和我一样的伤感吧 !


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Went for movie at Gurney Plaza jz nw...
We actually went for "The Taking Of Pelham 123",
but due to the time we reached there alrdy late,
we couldnt get a nice seats for tat show,
then we went for "Public Enermy".....

However,the movie was out of our expectation..
the timeline story is about the earlier centuries...
felt that the rhythm of the story quite slow and a bit bored..
one of my fren slept half-way..=.=

Then we decided to change dom for another movie..
since we r free to move...
we went for our actual planned show,
"The Taking Of Pelham 123",

When we went in although it has alrdy
started half-way...
but this was better than the previous 1..
tat's more exciting with modern timeline...
we had continue watched it for almost 1hr..

although we have only watched for 1 hr,
feel tat i had "watched" bac RM7 of my ticket price
instead of continue watching the "Public Enermy"...^^

(to be continued.....)